The festival organisers are looking for:
- people and groups to contribute talks
- activist and community groups to put on stalls
Other ways of participating (eg performances or music) will be considered – please contact Corinne to discuss your proposal.
Applications to participate
(giving a talk, showing a film or performing, for example) should cover the following:
- Name of applicant (eg community group, local historian, academic, campaigning organisation, activist, artist and performer)
- Contact details (email, phone number)
- Any websites associated with the applicants
- If relevant title of talk or other contribution
- Short description of your talk or other contribution indicating how it is relevant to the themes of ‘Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience’. Max 200 words
- Any additional requirements in terms of equipment or space, for example.
Applications for a stall or exhibition table.
We have space for stalls or exhibition tables in the main venue. Either half or full trestle tables (6ft x 2.5ft). As space is limited, we will only generally allocate successful applicants one table for now, but depending on demand we may be able to give you more space. The stalls or exhibition tables can include small ‘pop up’ displays, banners, display boards or interactive media (projectors/lap tops), assuming these are suitable for the space allotted. To apply please let us know:
- Name of applicant (eg community group, local historian, academic, campaigning organisation, activist, artist and performer)
- Contact details (email, phone number)
- Any websites associated with the applicants
- If relevant title of the display or exhibition
- Short description of how your stall or exhibition is relevant to ‘Commemoration, Conflict & Conscience’. Max 100 words
- If you would ideally like 1/2 or 1 table (or more)
- If you will be bringing display material
- If you need electrical sockets/power/wifi
- Any additional specific requirements in terms of equipment or space for example.
Applications to participate and for stalls and exhibitions will be assessed taking account of the contribution to the festival, the fit with the festival’s focus, themes and ethos, the range and diversity of participants and the available space, for example.
Please send all applications to Corinne:
For phone enquiries please call 01707 28 5694 and leave a message.
Letters should be sent to Corinne Painter, School of Languages, Cultures & Societies, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT
(Applications after that date may still be considered)
If you are a UK community group or community project & feel that lack of funds will prevent you from participating please email Corinne making your case as some limited funding is available. (Applications for funding will be assessed taking into account: the contribution to the festival, the fit with the festival’s focus, themes and ethos, the range and diversity of participants, the aim to fund as many projects as possible, the aim to represent different parts of the UK, as well as considerations of cost, for example.)