The First World War Network
Welcome to the FWWNetwork, a supportive and responsive research network for early career & postgraduate researchers working on any aspect of the First World War. We also work with non-academic organisations and community groups, providing a link to the research expertise of ECRs and PGRs and supporting co-designed and co-produced research projects.
Supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and working in partnership with the five First World War Public Engagement Centres, the FWWNetwork offers members: a platform to promote their research and related activities; opportunities to initiate research collaborations; bespoke training tailored to ECR/PGR identified needs; support for ECR & PGR led activities and initiatives; funding and practical support to undertake collaborative research projects.
The FWWNetwork is run by postgraduates and early career researchers for postgraduates and early career researchers. All our activities are designed to support our members to advance their career development and research skills, particularly fostering academic and non-academic relationships. Our goal is to connect with diverse communities, to support the researchers of the future, and to provide a legacy for the continued historical focus on the myriad aspects of the First World War in the aftermath of the 2014-2018 centenary.