On behalf of Professor Jonathan Morris (Historian of Coffee and Business Heritage at University of Hertfordshire) and the AHRC-funded Everyday Lives in War Centre team, we are delighted to announce that a themed workshop on ‘Food in Wartime, 1914-1920’ will be held on Friday 27 April (10:30am-3:30pm) to coincide with ‘Beyond the Battlefields’, an exhibition of Käthe Buchler’s photographs of Germany during the First World War.

Image: ‘Woman grating potatoes’, ©Estate of Käthe Buchler – Museum für
Photographie Braunschweig/ Deposit Stadtarchiv Braunschweig
The short programme – which will be held at the University of Hertfordshire (College Lane Campus) – includes talks from speakers covering the subject of food at home and at the front, from both German and British perspectives.
There will be an opportunity to visit the exhibition and explore how food is represented in the images.
Confirmed speakers include:
Margrit Schulte Beerbühl (Düsseldorf)
Rachel Duffett (Essex)
Julie Moore (Hertfordshire)
Places are free but limited, and pre-registration is required. Please book your FREE ticket via Eventbrite, here.