Secret Soldiers: The Intelligence Corps in the First World War

Project Workshop, Saturday 9 December 2017

University of Northampton
Park Campus
Holdenby Lecture Theatre 3

IWM Q11006

Funded by the Everyday Lives in War and Hidden Histories First World War engagement centres, the Secret Soldiers project is a collaboration between the Military Intelligence Museum and the University of Northampton. Using a variety of historical research techniques, it seeks to collect and then disseminate all that can now be known about the Intelligence Corps in the First World War.

The project workshop is the first opportunity for the volunteers to physically come together and talk about their work. We would therefore welcome attendance from anyone interested in British intelligence in the First World War generally or the Intelligence Corps specifically.

Attendance at the workshop is free of charge, but to enable logistic arrangements, please could you notify your intention to come along to Jim Beach ( no later than 1 December.

The schedule for the day is as follows:

Welcome, introductions, and explanation of the project
Jim Beach, University of Northampton, project leader

Military Intelligence and the First World War
John Ferris, University of Calgary, authorised historian of GCHQ


Researching the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Intelligence Corps
Alan Anderson & Helen Carter, project volunteers

Researching with the Gazettes
Antony Baxter, project volunteer

Researching the Intelligence Corps’ early History-making
Chris Yates, project volunteer


Not the Intelligence Corps: Royal Engineers and signals intelligence
Jock Bruce, researcher for authorised historian of GCHQ, project volunteer

Plots, Villains, Detectives, Spies and Prostitutes: Intelligence policing
Jim Beach, University of Northampton, project leader

1515 – 1545
Observations, reflections, & discussion

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