England, Arise!
Bent Architect
England, Arise! Is a stage play telling the story of the Huddersfield Socialist Conscientious Objectors, Arthur Gardiner and Percy Ellis. These two self educated working class Huddersfield suffered imprisonment and extreme privations for refusing the fight the war on political grounds. The play also celebrates the role played in the anti war of the many suffragist women who supported them.
Saturday 27 April 13.30-15.00 Room 1 MShed
War in Mind
John Bassett
Based on archive records and thorough research War in Mind looks at the diagnosis, treatment for sufferers and the stigma attached to what is now known as PTSD. Writer and actor John Bassett will perform excerpts the play, explain how the project came about and the different research that went into creating the drama.
Sunday 28 April 12.30-14.00 Room 1 MShed
Student Voices after the Great War
Daniel Laqua (with Georgina Brewis, Sarah Hellawell, Judith Murphy)
North East Heritage Branch of the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)
The aftermath of the Great War saw a major broadening of the social composition of the student body, as a grant scheme for ex-service students created possibilities for individuals who would have otherwise been unable to afford higher education. Based on a script created by university students, WEA members and academics, this is a mixture of performance and presentation allowing an insight into this post-war student generation.
Sunday 28 April 12.30-13.30 Room 3 MShed