Play 2: Peter Nias (Bradford Peace Museum) ‘Protestors for Peace: A Play for Remembrance Week November 2018: how and why the play was enacted’

Bradford Women’s Humanity League was an anti-war protest movement in the city from 1916-18. A public play was put on in the week of Remembrance in November 2018 to mark the centenary. This paper outlines how the play was planned and performed as a means of telling the story.

The play is a duologue between two of the leading lights of the Bradford Women’s Humanity League, Esther Sandiforth and Fanny Muir. It is set on 1st July 1922 after they had attended the unveiling of the new Bradford Cenotaph on that day. They reflect on the day and more especially on the Bradford Women’s Humanity League of 1916-18, as well as events in other post-war years. They make many astute observations on those times, and look towards their own futures.